toto lin
artist & game creative
artist, game writer, & social media manager
looking for work!
contact: [email protected]
frog sketch - $15
1 accessory/outfit
additional accessory/outfit +$3
Pokemon - $25
- HEAD - $45
- FULL BODY - $60
bust - $45
half body - $55
+1 CHARACTER - $30
bust (up to shoulder) - $50
half body - $70
full body - $90
※ solid or gradient - free
※ effects (see pokemon) - $5
※ simple clouds or starry sky/moon - $10
※ more detailed bg: dm with details/references for quote
- i have the right to refuse a commission for any reason
- i retain full rights to the original artwork
- all commissioned artwork is for non-commercial purpose only [unless discussed otherwise]
- let me know if you don't want the commission to be shared on my socials or portfolio
- credit me if you're sharing it anywhere
- provide reference pictures and details [pose, expression, colors, etc.]
- max 2 revisions, which can only be made in the sketching stage
- any revisions after the sketch has been approved can only be on color/effect
- payment upfront through paypal invoice
- full refund will be given if i cancel the commission for any reason
- 50% will be refunded if client cancels after the sketch phase and before rendering
- no refunds when rendering has started